What Your Custom RV Paint Colors Might Say About You
When you bought your RV, the exterior color probably wasn’t a driving factor. Instead, you were probably thinking about features, price, and long-term value — all of which are important factors to consider when making such a big vehicle and lifestyle purchase. But that said, paint colors do mean something and if you have a chance to opt for a new look with custom RV paint via our team at Premier Coach Works, then why not do so and choose a color that expresses something about yourself and your family? The following is a look at some of the more popular custom RV paint color options and what many psychologists agree they say about the person choosing them:
What Custom RV Paint Color Might Say About You
- Silver. Silver has become one of the most common colors for both cars and RVs. It’s believed that this is partly due to it being sleek and partly due to the technological advances this era is known for. Silver and similar metallic colors are colors we associate with modern tech devices and as such, choosing a silver color or color scheme can often indicate your high-tech awareness and love of things modern and digital.
- Blue. Blue of just about any shade is a positive and upbeat color. Medium to bright tones of blue are often associated with reliability and friendliness while slate blue exudes a more professional, self-confident feel, and light, pastel shades of blue tend to reflect a more low-key and whimsical nature. All shades of blue tend to be more common on sedans and smaller vehicles than larger RVs, but we are seeing more and more people opt for a blue-shaded custom RV paint job.
- Yellow. Yellow is also an exterior paint color that is really growing in popularity. This one used to be a paint choice reserved only for VW bugs, busses, and flashy sports cars, but the association of yellow with joyfulness and positivity has made it more popular among younger RV owners. Like blue, yellow RV paint colors come in a lot of shades, ranging from the very light, almost tan, to a deep, smiley face yellow.
Schedule Your Custom RV Paint Job at Premier Coach Works
At Premier Coach Works, our team has experience mixing up custom colors of every shade to give our clients the exact color they are looking for. Learn more by contacting one of our paint specialists today.