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RV windshield, The Benefits of an RV Windshield Shade

The Benefits of an RV Windshield Shade

RV owners have a lot of accessories and potential renovations to choose from. In fact, the RV aftermarket and camping industry is a multi-billion industry. It may seem like most advertised suggestions are totally unnecessary. But when it comes to an RV windshield shade, we always encourage motorhome owners to think about it seriously. Here’s why…

The Benefits of RV Windshield Shades

RV windshield shades are those shades that fit over the windshield when the vehicle is not in use. There are also window shades built to use on the other windows in a motorhome. All of them offer outstanding benefits that include:

1: Better temperature control

Window glass by its very nature causes a lot of heat transfer. During the winter, this means you are losing heat and during the summer, you are suffering a lot of heat gain. Even if you are at a campground that doesn’t charge you utilities, this constant heat transfer becomes uncomfortable. Putting up window shades is an easy, cost-effective way to mediate all this as they block out 90% of the sun’s rays and serve as an insulation layer to help reduce heat transfer.

2: Lower brightness and UV damages

The sun’s rays don’t just bring in the heat; they also bring in UV rays that causes many materials to fade and potentially crack or otherwise become brittle and damaged. The light of the sun can also be too glaringly bright to enjoy a peaceful day hanging out in the RV. Both of these problems are readily solved with sunlight and UV-blocking window shades.

3: Improved privacy

Finally, it isn’t just the sun that gets blocked by window shades. Putting up these simple devices also easily blocks wandering eyes, whether intentional or not. For example, shades both block would-be burglars from seeing your expensive belongings and noisy neighbors from prying into your affairs when you want your own space. This benefit of RV window and windshield shields can be especially appreciated in busy RV parks where you don’t feel like there’s enough space between parked motorhomes.

Contact Premier Coach Works for Windshield Fitting & Repair

If you need help ordering the right windshield shades for your RV, need customized window shades, or are in need of windshield repair or replacement, our team at Premier Coach Works is here for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule your next repair.