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rv roof repair, Maintain Your AC & Call for RV Roof Repair When Needed

Maintain Your AC & Call for RV Roof Repair When Needed

Here in Arizona, we don’t experience the seasons quite like the rest of the country. So if you’re visiting in from out of town, you might be surprised to find yourself using your air conditioner more often than your heater. This is especially true if you park your RV in a bright and sunny location. The following is a look at some important maintenance tips for your air conditioner and if you are having problems, why you should call in for RV roof repair and A/C maintenance.

Tips for Maintaining Your RV Air Conditioner

  • Use moderate settings during these mild months. It’s common for new RV owners to overload their RV capacity because of incorrect settings. We recommend turning the fan to ‘on’ during the mild months to improve the unit’s performance and longevity.
  • Routinely open up the roof vent. Arizona isn’t exceptionally humid, but moisture can still build-up in your air conditioner. When it does, moisture can collect in the unit and around it, often causing the need for premature RV roof repair. You can prevent this by simply opening up the roof vent biweekly to allow that moisture to evaporate.
  • Check your condenser. Twice a year or before every big vacation, you should inspect your system’s condenser coil. If this coil is blocked up with dirt, leaves, or other debris, it won’t be able to properly cool your RV’s interior. If you’re not sure how to safely do this, you can always ask our professional team to take a look at it and perform other routine maintenance, like oiling the fan, next time you bring in your RV.
  • Cover the entire unit during storage. You should always cover your air conditioner unit when you store your RV. That’s because the sealant and the roof penetrations necessary for the unit’s installation are prone to degradation with prolonged UV and storm exposure.

Good Air Conditioner Maintenance Means Less RV Roof Repair

Taking care of your RV’s air conditioner isn’t just good for your and your family’s personal comfort, it’s also good for the longevity of your entire system. A leaky, dirty air conditioner can cause significant damages to your roofing system and require you to pay for premature RV roof repair.

And should you ever need RV roof repair, our team at Premier Coach Works is here for you. From engine maintenance to RV roof repair, we have the skills and tools to get the job done! Schedule your visit today.