Looking To Update Your Camper’s Kitchen? Check Out These RV Interior Upgrade Tips
People choose RVs and camper trailers over tent camping because they want an experience that combines the comforts of home with the beauty of the outdoors. A part of that experience is enjoying delicious home-cooked meals. Now, that’s not to say you must have a good kitchen setup when RV camping, but many find kitchen updates at the top of their RV interior upgrade list because of its importance. If you are similarly eager to enjoy a new and improved RV kitchen, you should check out these important culinary oriented RV interior upgrade tips:
Handy RV Interior Upgrade Tips for the RV Kitchen
- Keep weight in mind. RV weight limits are not something to be flippant about. You can cause all types of structural issues and risk driving malfunctions if you build too heavy. Kitchen upgrades can be especially tricky with weight as quality upgrades like a new stove and fridge can really enhance the interior but put you too close to your weight limit. The same applies to cabinetry changes and the positioning of heavy appliances. Talk to someone well-versed in RV reconstruction if you’re doing major changes.
- Check your power consumption. Speaking of big appliances, you need to check your electrical draw and battery storage before you make any swaps or kitchen additions. If you’re adamant about increasing your power draw, make sure to have an electrician look over your RV for safety.
- Laminate materials are your friends. Laminate materials may not be your first choice when doing interior updates in your brick and mortar home, but they should be when it comes to your RV’s updates. Laminate countertops and flooring have three big benefits for the RV owner. First, there is the weight consideration. Laminate materials are incredibly light, yet offer good durability. They are also economical, making them the very best choice for those on a budget. Finally, laminate is easy to use, meaning even the most novice of owners can create good results.
Talk To the Pros About Your RV Interior Upgrade
We hope these tips help as you start planning your upcoming kitchen update. If you need expert tailored advice specific to your project goals, contact us to talk to one of our experienced mechanics. We can look over your RV to ensure you’re on the right course with the project.