Are There Any Benefits To Repairing an RV Windshield?
First things first, it is never safe to continue driving with a cracked or chipped windshield — for any vehicle. Windshields that are compromised, even if it seems small, are more prone to breaking completely should anything collide into it. This is because chips, cracks, and deeper scratches all weaken the overall structural integrity of your RV windshield.
While it is important to fix a compromised RV windshield, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to replace it. Repairing an RV windshield is sometimes the better option. Here’s a look at why you might ask an expert auto body shop like Premier Coach Works to repair your RV windshield rather than replace it:
The Benefits of Choosing To Repair an RV Windshield
- Maintain OEM. If you have a new RV that has never had its windshield replaced, then repair may be the best choice, as it will enable you to maintain the original manufacturer seal around the windshield. It is really hard for a replacement job to maintain the same strong seal as the RV had when it first rolled off the manufacturing floor. And a strong seal plays an integral role in keeping all moisture out and air leaks to an absolute minimum.
- Cheap or even free service. Because windshield repair is so important to maintaining the integrity and overall safety of the vehicle, many insurance companies will waive the deductible when it comes to getting it repaired. That means an authorized repair shop can do this quick job for you at no cost to you.
- It is quick. And yes, we mean it when we say quick. Repairing the window on your RV can be done within just 30 minutes of start time. This means you can easily add it on to another service, such as getting an oil change. If you don’t want to go through an auto body shop like ours, some outfits even offer mobile windshield repair that will come to you.
Schedule Your Windshield Repair (or Replacement) Today
Ultimately, whether or not you can choose a repair at all is going to depend upon the condition of your windshield. The best person to do that is a trained and experienced mechanic. So if you aren’t sure what to do, give our team at Premier Coach Works a call. We can schedule an inspection of your RV and make the best recommendation for your situation.